Saturday, January 16, 2016

Beautiful Place, Beautiful People

I took Christina and Maggie exploring a little at a farm close by (on different days). The weather has been so mild this winter and some of the vegetation here is still green mid-January- crazy! Anyways, it's still super beautiful even without the snow I wish we were getting.
Photo creds to Christina and Maggie for the pictures of me

 *when your phone is playing Hillsong*

Thanks LL Bean for letting me step in puddles

I was so excited to find this mini Christmas tree!

Appreciating the Adventures

One of my best friends Sarah O'Neil is always up for an adventure! So one night we just wanted to go somewhere but it was dark. The only place lit up was the train that's where we went. Then, we hit up Starbucks and Legacy Place, which were both decorated beautifully for winter!

Anyways, now she's off to Kentucky for college and I know she'll enjoy it so much! Plus, people there are super artsy so her adventurous character will likely make her some friends.