Friday, January 12, 2018

2017 Recap

Well, since I did skip a whole year of blogging, let's catch up.

Here's what happened!

I spent the first week of 2017 on a cruise. Best vacation of my life so far!

Found my new favorite spot for sunsets! Plymouth Beach gives an almost 360 degree view of the ocean. Can't to go back soon! 

I spent 6 weeks of my summer in Washington, D.C. with the North American Mission Board! This was tough at times to be away from home, but truly a growing experience! GenSend, the program I went through, is all about building habits of missional living!

The Blue Ridge Parkway in VA with my pals! KMAC caught this amazing shot of me!

Spent the weekend in Greenville, S.C. with the MacMillans! It snowed for a day, and I go to see the south go crazy!

Christmas 2017 was filled such good memories! My friends and I did a gift exchange at college, and I got so many good books and nail polishes! On Christmas Eve, I got the best party shoes EVER at Marshall's!

Thanks a wrap! Literally... ^^^ there's wrapping paper right there!

2017's Biggest Lessons

1. Be disciplined. I learned this because I faced the consequences of NOT building good habit. I fell out of daily habits like spending time journaling and working out (I pulled my hamstring!) I hope to get back into these habits!

2. Always stay hopeful. This is the KEY to a good attitude even in discouraging times!

3. Fight the urge to live in & for the media world! In 2017 I took time off social media and TV, which I found was renewing. This is still a challenge, since media is a part of life nowadays, but I definitely gained good perspective. Which leads us to ..

4. Continually seek a Biblically perspective. This changes the way I see everything. Through understanding God has a good plan, we can see struggles are an opportunity, sadness as a time to appreciate the joy more, etc. Having scripture continually renew our minds is SO important!

Thankful for all I learned and got to see in 2017! It was a year of great experiences!


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